MP Transformation Honored To Receive Sao Khue Award For BPO Services – Business Process Outsourcing Services

On April 21, 2019, at Youth Theater in Hanoi, MP Group Co., Ltd was honored to receive Sao Khue 2019 Award for BPO services – Business process outsourcing services. The key services are document digitization, data entry and data processing services.

MP Group’s representative received Sao Khue 2019 Award for excellent BPO services

By achieving the Sao Khue 2019 Award, MP Transformation confirms the prestige, quality and outstanding features of BPO services provided by the company.

Main BPO services of MP Transformation including document digitization, data entry and data processing help other businesses focus on their core businesses and transfer non-core tasks to external partners, support them to reduce operation processes, save time, reduce labor cost for businesses, help improve productivity and work efficiency.

With the combination of professional staff and the application of the most advanced technologies, MP Transformation is always trying its best and confident to bring absolute satisfaction to customers with optimal solutions in the BPO service industry.

Possessing a wealth of experience in providing BPO services such as document digitization, data entry and data processing, MP Transformation has affirmed its position in Vietnamese market, as well as demanding markets like in Japan and Europe.

MP Transformation always ensures delivery time, and strictly follows the standards of ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 Information Security Management system. Therefore, most of the company’s customers always trust and satisfy with MP Transformation’s BPO services.

Document digitization service:

Document digitization is the process of converting documents, records, images, voices … into a soft copy of file stored on computers. For paper documents, the text will be scanned and saved as an image file. Then, MP Transformation’s software will convert the image file into a 2-layer PDF file, the upper layer is the image layer, and the lower layer is the text layer. Once users want to search for information, they just need to type a keyword to find the documents easily and quickly.

For document digitization services, MP Transformation will come directly at the companies, organizations or departments to carry out digitization, or documents can be securely packaged and transferred to MP Transformation headquarters. After that, the operation department implement the works such as classify & re-adjust documents, create and paste barcodes, scan, encrypt and store documents on the system, archive and retrieve data once customers request, etc.

MP Transformation supports individuals, organizations & enterprises digitizing documents including ID card, driver’s license, official letter, decision, labor contract, business registration certificate, invoices, tax records, insurance & customs declaration, payroll, image documents, voice recording, video, etc.

Why MP Transformation’s document digitization services:

Data entry & data processing services:

This service of MP Transformation supports individuals and organizations in inputting and processing data for purchase invoices, ID cards, driver’s licenses, business cards, registration cards, customer lists, catalogue, questionnaires, labor contracts, records, documents …

Operation department always applies modern, advanced and professional processes to achieve the highest efficiency. Besides, the competence in Japanese, Chinese, English languages of data entry agents and checkers are always been ensured to pass the standard levels.

Therefore, the quality of data entry and data processing services with accuracy is up to 99.80% for projects involving Latin characters (Vietnamese & English), and Japanese.

Every day, MP Transformation performs inputting and processing 1,000 invoices, 25,000 questionnaires, 200 catalogues, and also inputtingkeyword for 100,000 images per month.


MP Transformation always attaches great importance to sending employees to train, take the refresher course and access advanced technology trends, promote the application into practical operation to improve productivity, save costs & satisfy customer demand.

Sao Khue Award will contribute to complete MP Transformation’s capacity profile, promote the company’s image, affirm and mark the reputation of MP Transformation’s BPO services after just over a year since its official establishment.

This is the result of the continuous efforts of management board and MP Transformationers in improving service quality, meeting the increasing demands of individuals and organizations in the age of industry 4.0.

With the products and services of Sao Khue 2019 Award sent direct letters to more than 2,000 departments and agencies from central to local levels, corporations and big businesses in many fields all over the country. Hopefully, MP Transformation’s BPO services will be well-known and trusted; and the award will bring many cooperation and development opportunities for the company in the near future and affirm its position as the leading BPO service provider in Vietnam and the region.

For more information about the services, please contact hotline: +84 931939453 or email: to receive accurate, complete and dedicated consultant.